Battle Axe Inn, Government Camp, Oregon

The Battle Axe Inn, in Government Camp was for many years the hub for much of the activity on Mt. Hood’s South side. Many mountain rescues were headquartered from the old inn, as well as community gatherings and parties. Many a cold and tired skier found warmth and rest in front of its grand rock fireplace.

Battle Axe Inn, Government Camp Oregon

The Battle Axe Inn was the dream of Everett Sickler, who since working as a young man in the hotel at Yellowstone, wanted to run a resort hotel of his own. He got the idea for the design of his inn from a building in a Johns Mansfield roofing ad. In 1925 Sickler hired Hood River contractor Albert Krieg and his son’s to handle the construction of his new inn. Sickler originally wanted a log structure, but Krieg, in an attempt to help save money, built the structure with lumber and then used slabbed logs for the siding, thus giving it the look of log building. The cost for the building, a whopping $3600.00. He and his wife Belle Pierce Sickler opened for business that winter.

Battle Axe Inn, Government Camp Oregon

The building was a quaint lodge with a dining room and rooms. The interior was wood, with log beams and a large rock fireplace and was decorated with early pioneer and native artifacts. The grand staircase was a circular style with a huge log center pillar. The furniture was made by local craftsmen in a rustic style.

Battle Axe Inn Recreation Hall, Government Camp Oregon

The following year Sickler hired the Krieg’s to build the Battle Axe Inn Recreation Hall, located just up the street from the inn. It was a huge structure 50’ x 90’ three story building. After purchasing the entire stock of ski’s from the Marshall wells company in Portland, the Rec Hall was used as a ski shop with rentals. The Rec Hall was also the location of the infamous toboggan slide. The slide included a two track run and a cable system for returning the toboggans to the top of the hill. Speeds were said to reach up to 60 miles per hour when the conditions were right. Many times a toboggan would leave the track causing bodily harm. Because of liability insurance costs, the toboggan was finally closed down.

The inn was always a financial struggle for the Sicklers. In 1929 Henry and Margaret Villiger, after a trip to Government Camp by automobile influenced by their daughter Marcel and her friend Gertrude Jensen decided to purchase the inn for $23,000. The depression set in and business was so slow the payments had to be adjusted from $350. Per month to $30. Per month. At some time during this era the rec hall, located up the street was moved down and attached to the inn, to solidify the business operation. At this time the rec hall, or Annex housed a coffee shop, a taproom, grocery store, laundry with dorm rooms upstairs.

Battle Axe Inn, Government Camp Oregon

Henry Villiger passed away in 1938, and Margaret continued to operate the business until 1947 when Gertrude Jensen bought the business for a reported figure of $85,000. Gertrude took over with grand plans. She hoped to re-open the old toboggan run, and a cafeteria. She hired well known skier Hjalmer Hvam to operate the ski shop, Chester Chin of Chin’s Buffet in Portland to run the cafeteria and her son to operate the toboggan run.

Because of overwhelming operating costs and costly repairs, and complicated further by Gertrude’s health troubles, she moved back to Portland and eventually turned the business back to Margaret Villiger. Mrs. Villiger in turn sold to Warren Huff, who operated it for two years until Monday, November 6, 1950 when the grand old inn met its end.

Battle Axe Fire – Oregon Journal

Battle Axe Inn Business Card (front)

Battle Axe Inn Business Card (rear)

Battle Axe Brochure

Battle Axe Brochure Inside

Battle Axe Inn Fire Journal Article

5 thoughts on “Battle Axe Inn, Government Camp, Oregon”

  1. Hi, Gary.

    I enjoyed reading about the oddly named Battle Axe Inn. “Ice Axe,” I could understand but “Battle Axe”? Named after someone’s mother-in-law perhaps…?

    It would be helpful to know the date of the Inn’s construction.

    By the way, as I flew over Mt. Hood yesterday on my way to PDX, I saw a great deal of smoke apparently emanating from a couple of fires to the southeast. These were burning when I flew directly south of Hood on Monday. (Usually the flight path is well to the north, but this time we cut south, more or less following the ridge of Hunchback Mountain for a while.)

  2. Hi Anthony.

    Thanks for the comment.

    As I usually write at night and I can sometimes miss relevant info such as the construction date. I appreciate that you pointed that out, and I have revised the text.

    It was pretty cloudy with rain toward the end of the day here, so I was unaware of fires; but it can burn over near Warm Springs on a rainy day. 🙂

    The Battle Axe Inn is a great name for a mountain inn I think. Their logo was a big Indian war hammer. I have a business card from the inn. I’ll try to find time to scan and post a pic of it here.

    Thanks again for stopping by the blog. Kick my butt if I don’t post something every couple of days.

    Gary =0)

  3. Hey, Gary.

    I happened to call the Zigzag ranger station about another matter, and they said that the fires were deliberate burning, probably in some cases of “slash piles” — the detritus of clear cuts. I guess one has to wait until a certain time of year before it’s safe to do the burning.

  4. I grew up on the mountain. In winter we waited for the school bus at Battle Ax Inn and unloaded there after school to begin the walk up Glade trail
    To home

  5. My parents spent many years skiing on the mountain. In 1953 we moved to Govy and my Dad maintained the ski lifts in the area. I vividly recall being awakened in the middle of the night as our little cabin was directly across from Mt View Inn. It was ablaze!! I was just 7 at the time. It was so scary. My playmate and I spent time in and around the Inn. I always thought the Inn was built on the same property as Battle Axe Inn. Memories….

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